Tonja Letice

With that mindset and in attempting to accomplish all her goals; being raised in a small Caribbean Island where the resources are limited in comparison to many other countries, she then pursued a college education as a step forward toward her many goals and aspirations. Her educational background of a BA in Management with a Minor in Human Resource Management was awarded in the fall of 2020 and in 2019 an Associate of Arts Degree in Management, both degrees from the Florida Institute of Technology.

 Throughout her early years, she developed a love for music, business, and fashion, so with that passion and dedication for fashion, she honed and used her skills and in 2021 gained certification as a Certified Makeup Artist. This certification gave Netasya a “footing” in the industry where she could display her many talents. One of her mottos is “Style the way you live, Glow what you go through.”

The year 2021 also marked the beginning of her career in fashion as an assistant Stylist to Eric Archibald, a renowned celebrity stylist. Under Eric’s tutelage, she continued to learn the different styles and traits of the industry. In the short time that she began working with Eric, she gained a numerous amount of knowledge and opportunities that other Stylists took years to accomplish.  By becoming an Assistant Stylist she had the opportunity to work with numerous Stylists that include not only Eric Archibald but also Bobby Wesley, Alicia Sereno, Jenna Tyson and DiAndre Tristian, five A-list celebrity stylists, from whom she gleaned much.

As much as Netasya is always on her stylist and creative element, she’s also a master in the business aspect of it all. In addition to being a stylist, she is also Director of Operations & and the Human Resource Manager for Express Handlers Ltd. Anyone who really knows Netasya, also knows that, for her, there is no such thing as a day off. She is a true definition of what many young people in today’s world should aspire to emulate.

 Her mom always states, “Tazzy is an old soul that knows exactly what she wants. No matter how many times life knocks her down she will get up, dust herself off and try again.”Netasya is the youngest of three, and the only girl so we would all automatically say she’s the spoiled one. But in all honesty, we would admit she’s the more overprotective one, more like the mother of the three.

A message from Netasya:  If I were to give a message to the younger generation and anyone who has a dream, it is this: “Go after the life you want as you’re the only one that can accomplish it. Don’t let anyone discourage you from your dream, for you are the one that holds the key to your Empire. Always remember; never let anyone steal your joy and happiness because, in the end, you’ll regret it.”  Personally, I intend to accomplish my goal through hard work, dedication, and undoubtedly also with a lifestyle of healthy living. I have realized that throughout one’s life, success is a major factor in helping to live a meaningful life and grow a viable community. Always, remember to keep God with you no matter what. He will always be there to guide you through it all and He will never guide you astray.
John Doe